A month “without”...

Every time of the year has its own trends and fads, or offers an opportunity to spotlight particular social causes, including some particularly noble ones.
In Italy, May is for weddings, August for holidays, October for graduations, November for standing against violence towards women, December for the Christmas festivities... And January? Well, it’s all about Veganuary – a 30-day stretch “without meat”. This is much more than a post-holiday detox. For many, it’s a way to make an ethical statement and to shine a light on the (un)sustainability of the traditional Western diet. There are also those who see it as a personal test of endurance, asking themselves, “can I survive a whole month as a vegan?”.
From where I stand (I’m not a die-hard carnivore, but I’m hardly a monk either), this kind of self-disciplined experiment is often rooted in a truth we tend to forget: you can live without just about anything – no gadgets, no certain foods, no art, no lovers, no pets... Everything, in its own way, can become superfluous.
But what about beauty, satisfaction, growth, connection?
Instead of stripping life down to mere survival, why not enrich it with something fresh and beautiful, for ourselves and our little corner of the world? And that’s why I don’t feel the least bit guilty when I tempt you with a new pair of shoes. Can you live without them? Of course! But why not treat yourself to a little happiness now and then? No need to wait for a special date circled on the calendar!
So, on this first Sunday of the year, here’s to being happy in every season and never missing a chance to add a bit of sparkle to your life (not just your shoe rack!).
Happy 2025!