Light therapy!

I admit it: in my own way, I am weather-sensitive! Not so much because I struggle with the gloomy days (living in Milan, we would be complaining all the way from October through to April!), but because the first sunshine of the year brings me a whole new lease of life!
I have done some research and found out that the secret is light ✨✨✨✨. Its presence in our lives is often underestimated, but it has many beneficial effects on our health. Above all, it reduces stress and anxiety and increases the production of serotonin (the “feel-good” hormone), which is responsible for our positive emotions.
Hence the success of light therapy and light design – it is not only about “being able to see well”, but also about letting yourself be enveloped by a particular atmosphere, a sort of “aura” capable of making a moment special.
Without realising it, we all try to create the “right light” for every occasion in life: from candlelit dinners to soft lights in the rooms of the house dedicated to relaxation. I realised that I have also done my part in this regard when it comes to designing the new collection. Not only have I focused on typically spring-like, bright colours, but I have also tried to add a touch of extra brightness by playing with shiny ribbons and reflective surfaces, as well as by adding unexpected “points of light” in the form of small studs and elastic inserts with a luminous effect.
I hadn’t thought about it like this before, but, in essence, for the new collection I wanted to make light “wearable” 💡! It won’t have quite the same effect as natural light (so don’t give up sunbathing!) but it helps to make every step lighter. And, I hope, to give you another little reason to smile! ✨✨✨
See you next Sunday with more “Tricks... and tips”!