Make a wish…

The recent meteor shower that streaked across the August sky got me thinking: why do we always need an excuse to make a wish?
Whether it’s Christmas letters, birthday candles, meteor showers, wishing wells or coins tossed into Italy’s most famous fountains, it seems like we’re constantly searching for a legitimate reason to wish for a little happiness throughout our lives... But why not do it out of context? Why not seize any moment in our everyday lives to look for something beautiful?
It takes so little to treat yourself, often at almost no cost – indulge in a sweet breakfast treat, have a chat with the person next to you on the bus to work, take a walk outdoors at the end of the day or spend the weekend catching up with friends you rarely see. And, why not, change your look: try a new fun haircut, be bold with a brightly coloured dress, spoil yourself with an accessory you don’t need, but that is ‘just for you’...
It’s not about being greedy for things or moments to fill voids. It’s about using the time and space we have every day in the best way possible! Surround yourself with both material and immaterial beauty, find happiness in the little things, and live with a lighter heart. I’m not into collecting, but I do think it’s crucial to create as many memories as possible. Everything can serve this purpose, like a pair of shoes that remind us every day of the importance of the paths we choose to take to truly become ourselves.
So, I'm not telling you to go on a shopping spree, but don’t feel the need to justify your desires, whatever they may be!
Because dreams enrich us!
Marco ♥️