Time is what you make it

Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? Take the calendar, for example. For us, New Year’s Eve feels like a distant memory by now, while over in East Asia, they’re just about to ring in the Lunar New Year. Even our trusty Gregorian calendar, with its public holidays and set traditions, is full of dashes of “poetic license”.
Christmas comes and goes, and suddenly supermarkets are bursting with Valentine’s Day treats and Easter eggs. Seasonal veggies? Greenhouses threw that concept out the window ages ago. And fashion? Always a solid six months ahead of the weather.
Navigating this mishmash of timelines can be tricky. It’s easy to end up chasing the next big date, never stopping to enjoy the “here and now”. Honestly, even I sometimes feel a twinge of guilt when I think about my “out-of-season” designs, like I’m cheating you out of winter’s cosiness or summer’s bright vibes. But here’s the thing – looking ahead is a way of showing faith in the future, a promise to be ready for whatever’s next and to enjoy it to the fullest.
So, please forgive me if my new capsule of sneakers plays a little fast and loose with the calendar. But really, what’s wrong with bringing a little springtime joy into your life a few weeks early? It’s my pleasure to sprinkle some evergreen lightness into your life!
Until next time!