True to its name?

In Japanese culture, people have a deep respect for the power of names, not just of people, but also of objects. They believe that every object has a soul (as per the philosophy of Tsukumogami, or the “spirit of things”) that lives through the hands of those who handle it, who in turn transmit into the object their own characteristics (strength, courage, joy, etc.), which are inherent in their own name.
When I decided to name my Collection models after my most devoted clients,
I had no idea about this Japanese tradition. It just felt right to create a special bond between my creations, those who inspired them, and those who would wear them. After all, shoes aren’t just “accessories”. They’re something that embraces, supports and follows your every step, adapting to your anatomy while helping you express your unique spirit and style.
The Japanese say it takes at least 100 years for an object to gain a complete soul. Now, while my shoes are made to last, I don’t expect them to be hanging around on your shoe rack for quite that long! But I’d like to think they’re more than just “things” you’d use and toss away without a second thought. I’d like them to be silent companions for every journey, trusty “partners” to match your mood and the paths you choose to walk. Friends to love and respect, just like the fabulous women whose names they carry…
Marco ❤️
P.S. Thanks to you, my shoes have always had, and will always have, the most beautiful names!