Use it... or lose it?

“Use it or lose it”.
It’s a saying that probably accompanied all the youth of my generation in Italy, along with “You can’t turn back time” and “If you don’t want to do it when you can, you can’t do it when you want”.
These expressions testify to a value of time that is perhaps now taken for granted. Today, everything happens so quickly, and, at the same time, there is a tendency among us all to procrastinate when it comes to making important decisions.
When I stop to think about it, I realise how prophetic those teachings really were. When I have to anticipate deadlines (for work), to look ahead to the next seasons, to predict tastes.... I wonder if there is a risk of losing the sense of the “here and now”, in a desire to always be one step ahead. But then I tell myself that, after all, foresight is a privilege, an incentive, a way of life. Behind it is a commitment to be prepared, to surprise others, to not sit on the certainties of the present. And then there’s the desire to understand people, to interpret their needs, to satisfy their unexpressed desires. “Looking ahead” means having no limits. It means being totally connected to yourself and with others. It is a path in which each step motivates and calls for the next. The secret? To be “comfortable” in your own shoes. To choose who to be today and to imagine who you can become tomorrow. And to learn day after day how to get there.
So, let’s keep looking ahead. And not necessarily in the same direction. Because two points of view make a perspective more interesting!
Marco ❤️