Out-of-season resolutions

Out-of-season resolutions - Marco Moreo Milano

Happy New Year!

No, I haven’t forgotten to update the calendar, and no, I’m not in a hurry to get to 2025. It’s just that, for us Italians, September feels like the start of a new year. With the summer holidays behind us, schools reopening and daily routines kicking back in, it’s the perfect time to set new goals and make fresh resolutions for the near future. Usually, these intentions are inspired by the summer buzz, when we have more time to relax, to have fun, and to focus on ourselves and on our loved ones. We return to the daily grind with promises of keeping that tan and eating healthier (or at least eating “differently”, especially if we’ve just come back from somewhere exotic!). We plan on reading more, staying consistent with workouts, spending more time with friends and family, sneaking in some weekend getaways, and maybe even forgetting the smartphone for a few hours each day.

Now, if we’re being honest, we know most of these resolutions will probably fall by the wayside. Not because we’re lazy, but because, like it or not, “normal life” eventually swallows us up with its endless to-do list and unexpected distractions that pull us away from our well-laid plans. So, we end up back at the start of the next summer, facing the same swimsuit season and longing to escape it all (while that bottle of fish sauce we lugged back from Thailand for those planned “Pad Thai nights” is still sitting untouched in the cupboard). But there’s a silver lining! Every year, we never stop striving for a better life. We’re always eager to make plans for ourselves and those around us, and we never give up on dreaming. Every new beginning is a kind of rite of passage, one where we bring along pieces of the past, but with the aim of building something new and better. I do it with my collections; you can do it with every aspect of your life.

So, don’t give up on exploring new paths!
I can only promise you that it’s going to be a fabulous season, and I wish you all the best for the future!