Surprising Fresh Starts!

Surprising Fresh Starts! - Marco Moreo Milano

We often worry about the obstacles that might slow us down, the unexpected mishaps that turn into delays or the sudden detours that seem to pull us away from our goals. We rarely stop to think about how these little setbacks can actually lead to brand-new, exciting beginnings – ones that may scare us at first but end up being totally life-changing. Theoretically, every single thing that happens is an opportunity to start over and transform our lives by shifting our perspective.

Just think about how many major successes were born out of seemingly irreversible mistakes (like panettone, dynamite, plastic and antibiotics!). All it takes is a bit of optimism, creativity and courage, and what seems like bad luck at first can turn into the starting point for something brand new. Some of my designs came to life like this, by searching for alternatives when the original ideas just didn’t work.

That’s why every new Collection, no matter how much it’s planned, thought through or sketched out, is like a new chapter of life: a brilliant mix of ideas, surprises, changes mid-course and a constant search for new tricks to make something truly unique and surprising (even for me!😅).

In the end, it’s just like they say, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”...
So let’s start viewing every opportunity as a window to endless possibilities!