#tricks... and tips!

True to its name? - Marco Moreo Milano
In Japanese culture, people have a deep respect for the power of names, not just of people, but also of objects. They believe that every object has a soul (as per the philosophy of Tsukumogami, or the “spirit of things”)...
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Laissez-faire, at the restaurant… and beyond - Marco Moreo Milano
It’s strange but true: the latest restaurant trend is to “not order”. Yes, you read that right! Instead of choosing dishes from the menu, people are leaving their meals entirely in the chef’s hands. It’s inspired by the Japanese concept...
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Feeling comfortable... in your own skin! - Marco Moreo Milano
Just a few days ago, while flipping through a magazine, I stumbled upon an article talking about something called “Social Media Skin Dysmorphia”. Basically, we’ve become so used to seeing faces altered by TikTok and Instagram filters that we’ve forgotten...
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Is having lots of “stuff” really so bad? - Marco Moreo Milano
Feng shui, decluttering, minimalism, Zenism... Everything in the past few years seems to be all about reduction, cutting back, and the idea that we need to “do without...”. From food to furniture, fashion to architecture, must we really give up...
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What’s in your shopping trolley? 🛒 👀 - Marco Moreo Milano
  Sunday mornings for me are all about “getting back in touch with the world”. Not just with “my world”, consisting of my friends and family, but also with what’s going on “out there”. Reading international newspapers is the best...
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