
A grazing flock of sheep, dotted among the stones overhanging the sea. Looking after then is Lucia: a young girl wearing old-fashioned clothes – her ankle-length skirt reveals her bare feet. All around is silence and stillness. It is 1914,...
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An island just for you to wander around on foot, armed with your stamina and muscles and good shoes... The smell of sea salt, the first rains, the south-westerly wind ruffling the vegetation, lashing the coasts with a tumultuous din...
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On an uninhabited islet in the middle of the Tyrrhenian Sea, stands a solitary, circular building. It looks like a ready-made film set. But in reality, it is a prison. Abandoned for countless years, it serves as a (somewhat crumbling)...
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When the idea first came to me to tell you all about the Italian islands I have visited throughout my (now rather long) life, I would never have guessed there would be so many to talk about! I’ve obviously been around...
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A dot out in the middle of the Mediterranean, closer to Tunisia than to Sicily, nearer to Africa than to Italy. Pantelleria is a middle ground where the houses are blocks with a hump on the roof – the famous...
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