#6 / How lovely to stroll along the “calli”

Come on, wear a virtual pair of MarcoMoreo and let’s start!
Today I’m taking you to Venice, perhaps one of the most famous cities in the world. Have you ever been there? Maybe you have, but you might not have had Italian traveling companion like me.
How lovely to stroll along the calli. Venice has unique names for its “streets” that aren’t used anywhere else in Italy: a calle is a street; a rio is an alley built over a covered canal; campo and campiello are squares and little squares; the fondamenta are streets that run parallel to water.
Another Venetian specialty is tramezzini. Now well-known around the world, these sandwiches were first created in Turin but have become famous for their characteristic rounded shape (they are filled beyond belief).
Made strictly with soft, crustless bread, they are the ideal accompaniment to an ombra de vin, as Venetians call a small glass of wine.
Every bar (known here as bàcaro) has its own recipes, but the classic sandwiches are with tuna, boiled egg or ham, but also local ingredients such as radicchio trevisano (a bitter red salad named after Treviso, another beautiful town a few kilometers from here).
What do you say, is it time to enjoy a sandwich, at least in our imagination?
See you soon for another stop on our imaginary journey.