Let’s play a game! Sit down, close your eyes*, and free your mind: you’re about to taste a delicacy...
A mouthful that perfectly combines the sweetness of ripe peaches with the bitter notes of almonds, the softness of the pulp with the crunchiness of amaretti biscuits – typical biscuits from Piedmont.
And it’s in Piedmont, between August and September, that the ideal moment arrives to savour this dessert: Peaches with amaretti, or as they say in Piedmontese, “Pesche alla piemontese”.
For the (super easy!) recipe, here we are.To learn a little more about Piedmont, you can come back with us to Turin or plan a real trip.
If you want to try making this sweet treat before going, you’ll have all the ingredients for an amazing trip. Whether it’s real or digital! 😊
A little over 1 hour (45 minutes of cooking time)
Ingredients [serves 4]
- 6 large, ripe peaches
- 60g of amaretti biscuits
- A knob of butter
- 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder (bitter)
- 100g of brown sugar
- 1 whole egg
- 2 tablespoons of rum (or other sweet liqueur)
- Half a glass of white wine
- Custard ice cream (optional)
- A spoon
- A bowl
- A baking dish
Wash the peaches and cut them in half, without peeling them. Gently remove the pit using a small knife. With a spoon, scoop out some flesh from the inside to create a cavity: it will hold our filling. Just be careful not to cut the skin – our peaches should become small baskets, hollowed out inside but intact on the outside.
Transfer the flesh to the bowl. Add the cocoa, sugar, crumbled amaretti biscuits, egg, and rum. Mix the ingredients well.
In the meantime, you will have dried the peaches by baking them for 10 minutes at 180°C. You can use a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Let them cool slightly before placing them in the previously buttered baking dish.
Now it’s time to fill the peaches with the cocoa and amaretti mixture. Using a spoon, fill the cavity completely, pressing the filling so that it’s abundant.
Garnish each half with a little knob of butter and a sprinkle of sugar. Before baking, pour the wine into the bottom of the dish, without wetting the peaches.
Bake at 180°C for 40-45 minutes. The kitchen will be filled with a D E L I C I O U S aroma, and it will be 45 minutes of waiting impatiently!
Peaches with amaretti taste even better if left to rest and eaten after a few hours at room temperature.
If you simply can’t wait (I totally understand), serve them still slightly warm with a scoop of custard ice cream.
Buon appetito! 💗