
Nestled on the northwest coast of Sicily, the city of Trapani was once a meeting point for different cultures due to its location on the trading route between Liguria and the East. To sustain them during their long months at sea,...
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Leftovers, reusing, recycling: words steeped in sustainability that are the perfect pairing for this installment of #forkEdition. Do you ever find yourself with leftover spaghetti staring at you every time you open the fridge? Well, fear not! We have a...
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When I was child and people asked me my name, I would answer “Macco!” – I couldn’t pronounce the two consonants together, so the R always disappeared. For a long time, my family continued to call me “Macco”. Much later, during...
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Today, it’s the perfect time to tell you about the most traditional Italian Easter dish of them all: Torta Pasqualina! Tasty and colourful, delicious fresh from the oven but also excellent the day after, this Easter pie originated in Liguria but...
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[We have a wander around Italy on the hunt for the most typical dishes of our heritage. Which you can also replicate at home, if you fancy. That’s right, because we’re also going to give you the recipe!] _ I’m...
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