#tricks... and tips!

Sliding Doors - Marco Moreo Milano
“What if…?” I often find myself asking this, and I bet you do too. It’s like a mental workout, stretching my imagination, picturing how my life might be if I could reweave its fabric, making the right choice at every...
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Acts of Kindness - Marco Moreo Milano
Every now and then, I find myself pausing to think about those small, seemingly insignificant gestures that – partly from upbringing and partly by nature - I end up doing daily without giving them much thought. For instance, letting someone...
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A glass half full - Marco Moreo Milano
As the saying goes: “April showers bring May flowers”. It’s a popular way to express optimism – acknowledging the future benefits of a present that may seem disappointing (like the gloomy spring rain, but hey, it’s needed for a bountiful...
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Welcome nuances! - Marco Moreo Milano
It is often said that “In life, not everything is black and white”, and that in between opposites there is a whole palette of intermediate shades that we must learn to appreciate and handle. This maxim (valid in all areas...
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Spring cleaning... inside and out! - Marco Moreo Milano
It’s time for a spot of spring cleaning 🧹🧽! Reorganising your space, letting go of unnecessary clutter and reconsidering what you really need. It’s a time that brings back memories for me of the home turning into a battlefield before...
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