#tricks... and tips!

Trusting is an art! - Marco Moreo Milano
We all have our little quirks: some people colour-code their wardrobe, some can’t read the newspaper without a coffee in hand, and some would never leave the house without tidying up first (I’ve heard women in my family say, “What...
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Hands-on balance - Marco Moreo Milano
Sunday’s here, and for DIY enthusiasts (and those of us who aren’t), it’s the ultimate “home maintenance” day. Whether we’re sprucing up a room or tackling some chores, these last 24 hours of the week are all about getting our...
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Use it... or lose it? - Marco Moreo Milano
“Use it or lose it”. It’s a saying that probably accompanied all the youth of my generation in Italy, along with “You can’t turn back time” and “If you don’t want to do it when you can, you can’t do...
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Sliding Doors - Marco Moreo Milano
“What if…?” I often find myself asking this, and I bet you do too. It’s like a mental workout, stretching my imagination, picturing how my life might be if I could reweave its fabric, making the right choice at every...
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Acts of Kindness - Marco Moreo Milano
Every now and then, I find myself pausing to think about those small, seemingly insignificant gestures that – partly from upbringing and partly by nature - I end up doing daily without giving them much thought. For instance, letting someone...
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