#tricks... and tips!
I admit it: in my own way, I am weather-sensitive! Not so much because I struggle with the gloomy days (living in Milan, we would be complaining all the way from October through to April!), but because the first sunshine...
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In this past week dedicated to love, I found myself observing people in love busy with their Valentine’s Day preparations or listening to the vocal musings of some sceptical singles. I realised that romance is not out of fashion, but...
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Every Sunday morning, it’s the same old story. Freed from the constraint of having to dress professionally, I find myself standing in front of my wardrobe scratching my head, wondering what to wear. I can’t help but envy the days...
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Every now and then I fall into the trap of leaving the TV on in the background on my Sunday mornings... I happen to come across those lifestyle programmes that give advice on this and that topic. And partly out...
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Sunday morning is my go-to time for some serious self-reflection. Free from the weekday frenzy, I can actually take the time to notice things I usually rush past, mindless and distracted. So, this Sunday, I found myself fixating on something...
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