#backstage no.7 / Long live creativity!

#backstage no.7 / Long live creativity! - Marco Moreo Milano

I don’t know whether to call Eros a friend or a key collaborator – in all honesty, he’s both.

When we started working together, we hit it off immediately: it’s as if we speak the same language, the language of creativity applied to shoes.

Eros is our creative director: every facet of our creative process, both mine and his, stems from his sketches (which he modestly calls “scribbles”).

To be honest, I don’t think of myself as a “creative” person, but it’s fair to say that I do play an active role in the birth of the designs – they bear my name, after all.

But nothing would be possible without him.

How do we work?

  • We chat and share ideas on colours, materials, details, inspirations from here and there...
  • We talk and talk some more, then he starts sketching his famous “scribbles”.
  • During this phase, Eros is like a battery charged to the max: he often sketches at night or at any moment an idea pops into his head.
  • Then we meet at the office for meetings that can last a whole day, or even multiple days. Yeah, I know, it sounds hellish... 😊
  • The first idea for a Collection emerges, along with its distinctive touches.
  • You might think we’re done, but this is actually only the beginning of a 6-handed collaboration with Fausto, our Production Manager and star of our next #backstage instalment.
  • Finally, a new Collection is born only after weeks of reflections, trials, prototypes and a few compromises. Sometimes, you see, what looks like a brilliant idea on paper doesn’t quite work for us in practice. And it wouldn’t work for you either. ;)

After all these words, I’ve realised that Eros is more of a friend than a collaborator. Otherwise, how could he possibly endure the exhausting tempo underlying my proverbial attention to the tiniest detail?!