#tricks... and tips!

There was a time when every home had a wall calendar – the classic one with square boxes, big bold numbers, and only Sundays and public holidays marked in red. Then paper planners came along, complete with an address book...
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"Life was like a box of chocolates.You never know what you're gonna get." One of the best ways to understand someone’s personality is simply by observing how they react to life’s inevitable curveballs. From planning daily commutes to organising big...
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Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? Take the calendar, for example. For us, New Year’s Eve feels like a distant memory by now, while over in East Asia, they’re just about to ring in the Lunar New Year. Even...
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As anyone who has ever had children (or been around young relatives, friends’ kids, or other tiny humans) knows, at a certain point they hit the “Why?” phase. Every single day becomes a whirlwind of “Why this?” and “Why that?”....
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For me, the festive season has always been more than just a time to embrace my nearest and dearest. It’s also the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends scattered across Italy, indulging in long chats over bubbly and sweet...
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